A look into the dangerous, deluded, superstitious, self-righteous idiocy flourishing in America today.
This is the best, best, best!
"Everywhere we look, the visual spectrum is rainbows."
Are those bullet holes in the fence?
"Alright, uploaded my best angle to my universe...my internet."
So this guy (that's him) has 5,540 posts on Graveyard of the Gods (? wow~the internet is vast). Read his posts at the link above.
He enters this 26 page long(!) chat with with a classic paranoiac internet nutball post:
"What's wrong with us is that we don't worship Big Brother, nor engage in dogmatic doublethink. Your standard of "right" is imposed by the Ministry of Obscurantism, and, as Nietzsche suggested, should be overcome. We must transcend the stupid herd mentality."
I often find internet conspiracy theorists retort with/resort to this type of esoteric hogwash, then retreat with a curious sense of superiority for avoiding conflict. Apparently, they are basically playing wacky, unfiltered mad-libs with their own internal dialogues.
For those of you not privileged to have yet encountered the (aggressively) proposed theory of everything known as Time Cube, it's your lucky day.
Time Cube's discoverer/founder/sole believer/sole proponent Gene Ray (self-titled "Dr. Gene Ray - Cubic and Wisest Human") is not much different than a lot of the people featured on this blog. He just has the fortitude (balls) to dream up his own delusions instead of regurgitating someone else's. Cheers to him!
...and Tulip is just her name. Nothing to do with:
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints
Any religion whose adherents live their lives acting self-righteously patronizing while continuously paying lip service to the fact that they are still just as "totally depraved" as you has got to make you sick.
*and yes, all you Calvinists are just as self-deluded as the flat earth guy below this post. ;)
You see, in his "mind", ALL RE (round earth) theories are merely misinformed opinions or lies. ALL photos of the earth from space are faked by a global conspiracy (oh shit!) that he alone is intelligent enough to have figured out...kinda.
Oh yeah, he has 7,553 posts as of this writing. Take a trip over to the FE (flat earth) forums and say hi.